Tag Archives: withdrawal symptoms



This is a celebratory blog post/ a slightly apprehensive one. I have made the decision (with the advice of my doctors) to stop taking my anti-depressants. I have been taking them for 4 years and I have decided that enough is enough. I may need to take them again in the future – I might even find that in a few weeks I will need to start again on a low dose, but for now I want to be free from medication. The little green and yellow tablets have tied me down for so long. The number of trips I have taken and have panicked at the thought of forgetting my medication… Waking up in the night wondering whether or not I remembered to take them. I am then faced with the dilemma of taking the forgotten tablet or assuring myself that I have taken it – don’t want to miss one or take too many (I really should have made use of the pill pot with days of the week on it, but a depressed girl really doesn’t want to do that every week – ha!)

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